LEXOLUBE 3I-310 is a polyol ester that provides lubricity, detergency, and additive compatibility in a wide range of applications. This product is optimal in terms of oxidation, and is useful as a base oil and additive for most applications requiring high temperature stability such as compressor/gear oils, hydraulic fluids, grease formulations, as well as 2 and 4 stroke oils.
LEXOLUBE 3Q-310 is a polyol ester that provides lubricity, detergency, and additive compatibility in a wide range of applications. This product is optimal in terms of oxidation and low temperatue fluidity, and is useful as a base oil and additive for most applications requiring high temperature stability such as compressor/gear oils, hydraulic fluids, grease formulations, as well as 2 and 4 stroke oils.
LEXOLUBE POE-22 is a polyol ester, designed to provide excellent oxidative stability and wide operating temperature range. It is optimum for applications requiring high temperature stability and low deposit formation, including transformer fluids and dielectric coolants.
LEXOLUBE POE-32 is a proprietary polyol ester composition, designed to provide excellent oxidative stability and wide operating temperature range. It is optimum for applications requiring high temperature stability and low deposit formation, including transformer fluids and dielectric coolants.
LEXOLUBE PQ-32 is a pentaerythritol ester that provides lubricity, detergency, low temperature fluidity and additive compatibility in a wide range of applications. It is optimal in terms of oxidation, and is useful as a base oil and an additive for most applications requiring high temperature stability such as 2 and 4 stroke oils, compressor oils, hydraulic fluids, and gear oils.
LEXOLUBE PQ-25 is a pentaerythritol ester that provides lubricity, detergency, and additive compatibility in a wide range of applications. It is optimal in terms of oxidation, and offers exceptional low temperature flow properties. This high performance ester can be used as a transformer fluid and dielectric coolant.
LUBRICIT PE 510/1 is a low viscosity polyol ester that is used as a synthetic base oil for formulations requiring wide temperature operating range, low volatility and good oxidative stability.